The island of Pag has always met special conditions for sea-salt production. The local micro-climate, the high number of annual sunny days, constantly blowing winds, bare stone and very meagre vegetation all together create a unique landscape. Solana Pag is the largest producer of sea salt in Croatia, and its operations are based on a thousand years of tradition in salt production on the island of Pag..




The seawater in the Croatian part of the Adriatic has salinity of 3.5 B°, which means that 1 m³ of seawater contains approximately 30 kg of sea salt. Besides salt, the seawater contains 50 different minerals vital to the human body for its normal functioning. Thanks to its geographic position, Pag’s inlet is exceptionally suited to salt production.

There were many salt pans on the island of Pag until the onset of Venetian rule in 1409. Besides the salt pan in the town of Pag, the only one to survive anywhere in Venetian Dalmatia, there were salt pans in Dinjiška, Povljana, Vlašići and Stara Novalja. There were dozens of salt pans all down the eastern Adriatic coast, but Venice eliminated them all except for the one in Pag, which is today Solana Pag.

The first written data on actual salt production in Pag dates to the year 999, when it was mentioned in a will. Thereafter, data on salt pans in Pag were often mentioned in wills and other documents. This was a time when salt was valued as white gold. 1 kg of salt had almost the same value as 1 kg of gold.


Mornings in the salt fields


Solana Pag from 01.06. for all interested offers outdoor educational workshops at the location:
At the workshops, you can learn about the history of Solana Pag, the method of salt production, then and now, and about the composition, quality and importance of salt. During the workshops, a tour of the pools, accompanying locks and canals is offered with competent guidance. You can compare different salts and feel and taste salt and salt flower. The collection ( harvesting) of coarse salt in the classic traditional way is also offered. You will gain new knowledge and experiance about salt, the ecological network of which Solana Pag is a part, and enjoy the beauty and unique nature. There are two educational workshops on offer. One workshop would be with a story, a walk to the pools, showing salt ( fine, coarse and salt flower), where guests can try and feel the difference. Second workshop offers all that with addition of harvesting of salt with assistance of an experienced employee of Solana Pag.
The educational workshop lasts about 1 hour and educational workshop with collecting salt about 1,5 hours. Appointments are in the morning from 7 am. Prior online registration via the link is required:

Permanent exhibition of salt

Pag and salt have been inextricably linked for centuries

Pag and salt have been inextricably linked for centuries, and their history is shown at the permanent solar exhibition located in the I. Salt Magazine.
In this truly unique space, you will see how salt was produced in the past.
The exhibition is a unique representation of the former life of the inhabitants of the town of Pag, which depended on the production of the famous Pag salt.
Your visit to the exhibition is organized in two parts:
in the first part, you will walk through the permanent solar exhibition, and in the second part you can watch a short film about salt production in the past; in Croatian and English.


  • Monday: from 09:00 to 15:00
  • Tuesday - Saturday from 09:00 to 20:00
  • Sunday: from 09:00 to 15:00

For all information, contact the email: or call 091/232-2088